Services & Support Groups

Eagle’s Nest After School Care

  • HOURS OF OPERATIONS – First day will be Monday August 15, 2022
    Full days – 3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
    Early dismissal days – 2 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
    School Cancellation – AFTER SCHOOL CARE CANCELLED

Info & Registration Form

School Social Worker

  • On-site counseling is available at no charge to students and families. This service may address the many needs of a student, including but not limited to, helping students in the following areas: to understand their abilities and limitations, to adjust to a new school, to find alternatives to their concerns, to learn to make decisions, to develop skills in getting along with others, to achieve more in school.
  • Teachers use counseling services to understand and meet individual student’s needs. Classroom guidance is also provided in the area of self-understanding, decision-making, and coping skills. Finding resources or special help for students is also a service of the counselor.
  • Our school social worker is Nancy Howe.
  • Safe Environment

Resource Room

The Resource Room is fully stocked with resources and materials for all subjects and all grade levels including a Smart Board, 4 student computers, iPads and a large library of guided reading books. The Resource Room staff provides the following services:

  • Tutoring for individuals and small groups in all subject areas, usually focusing on reading and math. Tutoring can be short-term or ongoing, depending on student needs. Tutoring can take place in the Resource Room or in the classrooms. Tutoring can be provided if a child has an Individual Education Plan, has been identified as needing extra help by any type of testing, or has been recommended by their classroom teacher.
  • Testing for all students in grades K-3 in reading to identify students who may need extra help.
  • Progress monitoring in reading for students who are not performing at grade level.
  • Tutoring and progress monitoring in math and reading via a computer-based, research-based program called SuccessMaker.
  • Testing of students who have English as a second language to monitor English language proficiency.
  • Coordinating support services provided to St. Jude students by the local public school. These services include speech therapy, full educational testing, and a special education consultant teacher.


Speech Therapy

  • Speech therapy is available at St. Jude Catholic School through a speech therapist provided by the local public school district. Referrals for testing can be made by teachers or parents.


Learning Resources 

  • Mediation and Learning Skills Resources are available on-site. An instructor or tutor can work with students needing additional guidance in any curriculum area. Special needs testing is performed through the local public school district.

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